Kyla and I went to the store today and Kyla scored a new toy! I am not the Mom who buys my child anything and everything. I feel like kids, or at least my kid has more fun playing with things that aren't toys rather than things that are, plus she gets enough stuff from family and friends on holidays and her birthday that I don't feel like I need to go out and buy her a bunch more stuff...but today I got her a tea set and she seems to like it. I was making dinner so asked her Dad to show her how to play tea and she caught on fairly quickly. She was pouring tea in no time!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Finding Humor
Tonight we went out for dinner and had Kyla sitting in the booth with us. She is like all other little kids that likes to poke her head over the seats and see the people sitting in the booths on the other side of us. This is sometimes really funny as it was tonight, because she puts her hand and her little arm up over the top of the seats and peeks at the people on the other side. Greg and I get a laugh out of this because we wonder what those people must be thinking. I'm sure they are thinking, 'what is that?!?!?' The people on the other side could not really see Kyla other than the top of her face and her little arm and hand, so it was cracking us up. We try to kind of keep her from doing this too much, because we don't want to bother anyone too much, but sometimes like tonight, it was fun for us to just let her do it and get a laugh out of it. :) Pretty funny.
I took these picture this morning. I like the first one, because I feel like she was saying "Oh Mama, would you please stop taking pictures of me? I just barely woke up!"
This second one was also fairly soon after she had woken up. She kept yelling at Greg and then making this scrunched nose and side squished mouth look after she would yell. She did this like 20 times or something and after every yell she would make this face. Not sure what she was trying to say, but all of the yelling was directed at her Daddy, LOL. Not the best picture, but I was able to sort of capture the moment. :)
I took these picture this morning. I like the first one, because I feel like she was saying "Oh Mama, would you please stop taking pictures of me? I just barely woke up!"
This second one was also fairly soon after she had woken up. She kept yelling at Greg and then making this scrunched nose and side squished mouth look after she would yell. She did this like 20 times or something and after every yell she would make this face. Not sure what she was trying to say, but all of the yelling was directed at her Daddy, LOL. Not the best picture, but I was able to sort of capture the moment. :)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Bible Verses Related to Limb Deficiencies
So now that I've got my smart phone, I have downloaded the "Holy Bible" app which has different reading plans that you can choose from. I've started The One Year Bible and today is day 4. I am doing it after I put Kyla to bed and before I go to takes like 15 minutes out of my day, which is not much. Several years ago I bought a Women's One Year Bible because I wanted to go through the Bible in one year, but then I didn't stick to it. I really like this app because you can turn on the audio and also follow along with the text, which for me, is pretty much the only way I am going to learn. It was kind of funny because on day 2 there was a verse that talked about Jesus healing a man with a deformed right hand. I thought that was kind of ironic, but shows that limb deficiencies were present even back in Jesus' times. So what I plan to do is post all of the Bible verses I run across that have to do with limb deficiencies, just because I think it's interesting and Kyla might like to read them someday. I will update this post as I come across more.
10 He looked around at them one by one and then said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! 11 At this, the enemies of Jesus were wild with rage and began to discuss what to do with him.
Luke 6:6-11 (New Living Translation)
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
6 On another Sabbath day, a man with a deformed right hand was in the synagogue while Jesus was teaching. 7 The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees watched Jesus closely. If he healed the man’s hand, they planned to accuse him of working on the Sabbath. 8 But Jesus knew their thoughts. He said to the man with the deformed hand, “Come and stand in front of everyone.” So the man came forward. 9 Then Jesus said to his critics, “I have a question for you. Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?”10 He looked around at them one by one and then said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! 11 At this, the enemies of Jesus were wild with rage and began to discuss what to do with him.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Ready to go Swimming!
I bought my biscuits a new swim suit today at Target. Isn't she just the cutest? She has been transitioning from 2 naps to one and she is just on the verge of where she really needs to take her second nap but she won't, so there is no point in laying her down for one, so towards the end of the day/night she likes to get into stuff she knows she's not supposed to or push her luck. LOL, she is real good at pushing her luck. Poor little biscuits is starting to learn her boundaries. It is tough sometimes to do the disciplining, because it sorta breaks your heart, but also, there is nothing worse than a child that doesn't respect their parents or listen to them. Anyhow, I'm hoping this summer we can gets lots of use out of this swim suit. I can't wait for boating and more time on the water wake boarding and chilling in the backyard letting Ky play in her kiddy pool.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Visit from Averi
My Dad and Niece, Averi stopped by yesterday to visit and play with Kyla. Kyla and Averi played like crazy with each other and for the majority of the time they were both in Kyla's crib together playing. LOL, a 6 year old and an 18 mnth old in a little tiny crib. I took Averi to our backyard on our renters side and took a few pictures of her. Have not posted much lately because we have been busy. The hubs and I finally broke down (OK I broke down) and got smart phones, HTC Thunderbolts on Friday, so we have been busy playing with them, with the kid, doing stuff around the house, hockey game last night, etc. I found a website with tutorials ( for PhotoShop that I plan to get into soon, but it sucks because honestly I don't have a lot of time to devote to learning. Unless I like stay up late or something, after the kid goes to bed, but I LOVE my sleep and with this cold that I've had off and on for like 3 weeks now, I need all I can get.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I Let the Bacon Burn on the Stove...
a little just to get this one:
For some reason (I hate to admit it) Kyla's favorite person is her Daddy. Poor me... I always say she should be careful about who she chooses as her favorite person because I am the one who gives her most everything she needs. LOL. Sigh....someday she will love me as much as she does her Dada. :)
For some reason (I hate to admit it) Kyla's favorite person is her Daddy. Poor me... I always say she should be careful about who she chooses as her favorite person because I am the one who gives her most everything she needs. LOL. Sigh....someday she will love me as much as she does her Dada. :)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm not really looking forward to it. i'll be 28. 27 is like OK for me but 28 is not really OK. I've been having some majjorrrr issues with my fam lately and it's like impossible for me to even go into it, but the post I made, Tiger Mother thing sort of sums it up. Basically same thing happened to me when I was little and I find my Sister now doing similar things to her young Daughter and it drives me nuts. I can't get into it anymore than that. This is my song the past few days...I love the attitude. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
"I don't really care about if you love me, if you hate me"
"I don't really care about if you love me, if you hate me"
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ky's 18 Mnth Stats
I've been a bad Mom and haven't been keeping up on Kyla's stats in her baby book. I sort of stopped the baby book once I went back to work. I know...bad. But I have been keeping some stats here, so these are just for me to remember, not for anyone else really, lol, but Miss Ky has become quite the talker. These are the words she now knows how to say (although she doesn't always use them in the right context - like she says down when she really wants up):
1. No
2. Dada
3. Mama
4. Bubble
5. Bed
6. Blanket
7. Baba
8. Dog
9. Moon
10. Bird
11. Nose
12. Cool
13. Cute
14. Down
15. Ugh-oh
16. Duck
17. bath
Monday, March 7, 2011
'Tiger Mother' Article
OMG, everyone who reads my blog should watch this and read the article:
This lady drives me crazy; I just want to shake her and tell her to wake up! This story hits close to home for me. A couple weeks ago, I finally decided that I had to speak up against Mom's who put their own selfishness first and their own needs and wants as #1, although I won't go into detail about this. These Moms are delusional thinking that their actions are not going to affect their children later on in life, or that their relationships with their children will not be negatively affected. Children are so fragile and unfortunately sometimes people don't realize that or just don't care. Once you become a Mom, you have that responsibility for the rest of your life; it's not something you can choose to say you no longer want!!! I don't get how a Mom could leave their child....that is not normal. When you have a child, something within you changes and your number one priority is to protect and provide for them; not to think of yourself. These little sweeties (children) are the best gift in the world and these women should feel privileged and take advantage of every minute they have to spend with their children. They grow up fast; they won't need you for forever!!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Pouty Faced Cowgirl
This kid cracks me up! She has not been feeling well lately and neither have I, but she is just so funny, I got her jacket and shoes on and got my jacket and gloves on and was heading out to the front yard to start digging the holes for our two trees we are getting tomorrow. Ky like gets super close to my camera and my lens is a fixed lens, where I have to physically move myself back or forth to get my subject in focus, so half the time my pictures don't work out because my subject is always on the go - that would be my kid. I threw an old hat (that is now too small) I had bought for Kyla on her and she was all smiles until she got tired of waiting for us to go outside. She loves to be outside. I found a website today that has like awesome backdrops and floor boards, etc. for photography but I'm wondering if I should spend money on that kind of stuff. I think if I invested the money I could do some pretty decent photos, but who am I going to do them for beside my baby? Probably not many. I might buy like one setup just to see how it goes and if I am interested in buying more, then I might do that later on. We will see. My work is talking about a Federal Government shutdown with 100 - 600 job losses being a possibility within the next two weeks. This isn't much considering we have 5,000 employees, but still, it's job losses, which we never have. One more of Obama's brilliant ideas. Thanks Obama...not only did you give us a payroll freeze for the next two years, but we are also not sure if we are going to have jobs here very soon and if this thing passes, then we should be able to operate on our own money for several months. Well several months is just that - not very long. Last night I was watching E! Channel and Matt Damon finally spoke up about Obama and his empty promises; me and the Hubs were very impressed. Hollywood is always so democratic and just supports the democrat when they aren't even sure what that person stands for. So we will see what happens here soon. Makes me somewhat nervous since I just dropped to part-time status a couple months ago.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
One Armed Football Player
My friend Brianna (follow her blog "Different, Not So Much" under my Blogs I am Following tab) recently posted a video of a one armed football player on her Facebook and I loved this guy's attitude so much that I had to post it here as well. I am like so inspired when I see people like this who have such a great attitude.
Also, yesterday I was online and I found another blog that I haven't had a whole lot of time to look at yet, but it seems interesting, and this guy is local, in Seattle. His name is Gabe and it looks like he himself has a blog as well as his parents. I like the fact that his parents have one, because I have read a little bit of what his Mom has wrote and it like gets me.... there is something about being a Mom to these kids that makes us emotional. We go through the same feelings and good days/bad days as the kids do. It is people like this that make me realize just how good Kyla has it. Here is the link:
Also, yesterday I was online and I found another blog that I haven't had a whole lot of time to look at yet, but it seems interesting, and this guy is local, in Seattle. His name is Gabe and it looks like he himself has a blog as well as his parents. I like the fact that his parents have one, because I have read a little bit of what his Mom has wrote and it like gets me.... there is something about being a Mom to these kids that makes us emotional. We go through the same feelings and good days/bad days as the kids do. It is people like this that make me realize just how good Kyla has it. Here is the link:
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