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Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Photos

I just tried uploading some Christmas Photos of Kyla I took, but it's taking forever, so if you'd like to see, go to www.ambervancephotography.com and you can see them.  :)

Things have been going well for the most part.  We are trying to get our last minute Christmas shopping done, it's been a little difficult.  Greg is always working and I'm always with Kyla - never have a babysitter, and I'm not supposed to lift over 25 lbs, which is how much Kyla weighs, so outings have been difficult.  I still do them, even though I'm not supposed to, really don't have any other choice than to lift my kid in and out of her car seat and in and out of shopping carts.  Such is life!  I do not plan to take much time off for Christmas, but may take 1 day this week.  Only working 3 days/week is fairly easy to pull off, although I have been using some vacation for doctor's appointments lately.

Baby stuff is going OK.  Still stressful.  We had a doctor appt last Tuesday and the doctor couldn't hear the baby's heartbeat with the doppler.  I'm not exactly sure how many weeks pregnant I am...I was under the impression that I am just 10 weeks but the doctor thought I was 12.  They are supposed to be re-calculating what my due date is, which will tell me how many weeks I am.  Anyway, at 10 weeks is it just barely possible to hear the heartbeat with the doppler, so I wasn't too alarmed.  The doctor did tell me that if I really wanted to hear it, he could lift up my uterus with his hand and push it up more against my belly and try to hear it that way.  I was like "No thank you!,"  hello....what woman would want that, especially with the complications that I have had and the fact that he had told me I'm supposed to be being careful right now.  Anyway, up until just about an hour or so ago I really hadn't felt baby flutters since Friday evening, but I finally felt some good ones just a bit ago when Kyla was rubbing my belly.  She only calls the baby "baby sister"....baby sister must've known her big sister was talking about her.

Ky's been a really good girl lately, she is definitely not getting coal for Christmas.  She is getting more and more fun everyday. 

My cousin who is one semester away from his degree in graphic design made me a logo for my photography yesterday.  I haven't got the final product yet, but I'm pumped.  It looks really professional and I can't wait to update my photos and website.

I probably won't do another post before Christmas, so Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 16, 2011