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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone.  We just finished all of our Christmases earlier this evening.  Between my Husband and I's families we have several stops to make each year and usually several different days to celebrate.  I took down our Christmas tree earlier today and Kyla cried and begged me not to take it down.  I feel the same way about Christmas but am not as sad to get my house back in order.

We got Kyla's prosthetic just over a week ago.  She likes it but doesn't like to keep it on for very long, so I have been setting a timer and she did wear it for almost an hour straight the other day without even complaining or asking me if she can take it off yet, which is really good. 

She has been in some sort of weird phase lately where she has been pulling down her sleeve and just letting it dangle.  Ever since she was a baby I have always rolled her sleeve up and she has been fine with it, as long as I roll it perfectly - she is very particular about how her clothes feel which is me exactly when I was a little girl.  I remember my Mom putting me in pants that were too tight when I was little and I would flip out crying and pulling on them - Kyla got this from me, which is probably good since I am usually the one to dress her I can symphatize with her.  But anyway lately she has been letting the sleeve dangle, so we keep asking her why are you doing that, why do you keep rolling it down?  Her only answer and her answer always is that her arm is cold (which it never feels cold).  So I think maybe because we have been talking of the prosethetic, she has been wearing the prosthetic, etc. she is a little confused on how she should feel about her arm.  I know this is just a phase that will pass so I'm not worried about it.  But I do tell her that I think she is making up that her arm is cold and tell her that she needs to be proud of how God made her and not hide it.  Easier for me to say... and I know that.  So I don't push it too much.

Anyhow we did all the Christmas stuff this year, light shows, Christmas Eve church service (which I have always loved since I was a little girl) Christmas dinners, family gift exchanges, etc.  This weekend I planned a group sledding trip to a ski resort that isn't too far from us with our friends and kids.  It should be lots of fun.  Emma is old enough I think she will enjoy it.

I finally got a teenage babysitter and we used her for the first time about 3 weeks ago to go out to dinner with a group of our friends - something I also planned.  I have been in the planning mood lately I guess.  The babysitter was awesome - she is 16 and has 10 siblings so she knows how to care for kids, so we will definitely use her again, which is nice to have.  

My Hubs has a new job and starts in about a week....I'm nervous, just hoping that it all works out and is good....  he has a good job now but he is in law enforcement and is just tired of being surrounded with criminals 24/7, he isn't a cop where he can just pick someone up and drop them off at the jail and be done with them, he is surrounded at work with them constantly.  So we will see.....I'm just hoping it all goes well and he is happier and it works for our family. 

I will post our Christmas card and a few pictures of Kyla's prosthetic shortly - baby just woke up and crying.  Happy new year!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

I have a few minutes this morning so figured I'd do an update.  We were out of town last weekend at a friend's cabin in Hunters, WA.  Middle of no where really, it's the 2nd time we have been up there over the past few months.  Our friend, actually he's like my Husband's brother but not has several acres of land and a little cabin he is completely redoing.  We had fun, Greg went out hunting 3 times while we were there so me and the kids just kinda hung out at the cabin with our friend's kids doing camp fire, taking small walks, watching movies, etc.  It was kinda nice to get out of town again.  I'll attach a few photos.  Other than that, not much has been happening.  We are apparently supposed to get a decision this week back from insurance on whether or not they have determined that Kyla's prosthetic is "medically necessary."  Sooo ridiculous.  I'm not sure how much more medically necessary she could be to have one, but whatever we will go along with whatever they decide and if they decide it isn't medically necessary we will just wait until January when we have an appointment at Shriners in Spokane, WA to have them help us get her what she needs.  My Husband is in the process of getting a new job, which is still under wraps but we will see.  I am hoping it will be for the best and be better for our family.  I've been doing quite a bit of photo shoots but recently have none until the end of December, which bums me out a bit because I like doing them, I am sure I'll have more people schedule but for right now that's all I have.  I'm still learning though all of the time, different ways of shooting to give me different effects.  Anyway this week is Thanksgiving and I'm cooking the meal for our family.  It'll be like 5 adults and my two kiddos, not too bad, I can pull it off, have several times before but I've always had my Sister to help cook, not this year, so it's just more stress I'd rather not deal with.  :)  I took a few hours yesterday out of the house to just be by myself.  Sometimes I just have to get away from the kids and out of the house for a bit just to stay sane.  I'm with them by myself almost the entire week except a few hours in the evenings when Greg is home so I need this time every once in a while and I don't take it near enough.  I might do it once every 2 months or so.  Anyhow hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving holiday.  Hopefully next time I post we will HAVE Kyla's prosthetic to take home.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Oceanside Oregon Trip

We are back from a vacation finally! We went to again my favorite place but this time rented a house in Oceanside, Oregon. It was amazing the view was ridiculously beautiful.  It rained a good amount of the time so we were stuck inside quite a bit but that was actually nice. Made for long quiet days. Again like I always say, I will move to Tillamook someday. The valley views there are beautiful a

nd the ocean is like 15 mins away.  Thankfully my Dad feels the same as me and is now looking to buy land and eventually build in Tillamook. Yes!!  I love the farm quiet life there.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mama Gots a Gun :)

Sooooo after about a year of telling my Husband that I want a gun, I finally got one!  And I've got my concealed carry permit in process.  We went out yesterday afternoon to shoot it and to teach me how to actually shoot on target.  My Dad was a little upset at first that I got a .22LR and not something bigger, but I've shot my Husband's other guns before and they all have so much recoil that I do not enjoy shooting them and never really learned how to hit on target.  So my Husband figured this was a good gun for me to start with.  I ended up purchasing a Ruger LCR .22LR.  And it's even in my name.  LOL, I didn't let my Husband buy it, I wanted to be able to say "It's my gun :)"  So I did the whole wait a week to pick up and all, which was fine.  We took it out yesterday and my first time picking it up I hit a 9" plate with all 8 rounds, first try.  And I actually learned how to aim at my target and make good hits.  I did this several times and then my Husband made me shoot his Glock .40 which I never have liked....I didn't want to, but I did because he wants me to be able to shoot all of the guns that are kept inside our house, so I aimed just like I did with my .22 and made head or chest hits pretty much everytime, and the kick on the Glock really wasn't so terrible.....I actually kinda like it.  Then we moved onto the shot gun, which also scared me, but I have always known if I had to use it, I could and would.....  I gotta protect my babies, so I made him shoot first a few times and then did it myself...and it really wasn't too bad either and I was also able to make the same head and chest shots like I had done with the other guns. 

Here are a few pics of me shooting yesterday.  You can see how tense I am shooting the Glock .40....LOL I needed to relax just a bit, but that gun makes me nervous a little. 

I decided I wanted a gun and my concealed carry permit because I am alone with the girls a lot and I don't feel safe out in public with them and no way to protect them, there's too many weirdos.  There are also quite a bit of strange people in our neighborhood and I've had a few instances where people have come by our house and I've either called the cops on them, or had neighbors who have had problems with people, etc.  The other day I took the girls to the park down the street and it was just us 3 there, no one else was at the park and some dude walks by and just stares at us, no smile, just a not friendly stare while walking by and like a long long stare...  Ughhh hello, if he decided to do something, I would be there with two young kids and myself, no one else around and we would pretty much be helpless, so this is why I have decided to do this.  Now I just need to find holsters!  That seems to be the tricky part for a girl.  But I'm excited I can finally defend my children by myself if need be. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

This is how I have to steal my kisses

This little turd will very rarely willingly kiss me, so I have to resort to this....holding her down and smothering her with kisses.  I blame it on us putting her in daycare when she was little ;) Miss Emma usually lets me kiss on her as much as I want, which is a lot!!

   i get beatup, but it's worth it ;)

Old Pictures

I found some photos the other day of when Kyla was a flower girl in her aunt and uncles wedding two years ago. She was, and is so beautiful. I like these pics cause she is really showing off her armie in them :) I walked her down the aisle because she was too little to walk by herself.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Doctor's, and More Doctors.

Took the girl's to the doctor earlier today.  Left pretty upset....  totally got unexpected questions from the doctor as to what everyday needs can't Kyla do that justify her prosthetic.  I gave the doctor about five different examples but she kept pressing for more, so I explained to her about her bike and her scooter and ballet.  Those things aren't "necessary" according to the doctor.  I said, well as far as I'm concerned they are, because they allow her to function just as any other little girl her age does.  It was just out of no where unexpected....her doctor is usually so nice but was really pretty rude how she treated us today.  I was pissed and she could tell I think...I was almost to the point where I grabbed the girls and walked out, but I didn't.  I explained to the doctor, I've never really been around other 4 year old children, I don't know what things she should be able to do at the age of 4 that she can't do.  Kyla still needs help putting her clothes on, and apparently at 4, kids should be able to do that, according to the doctor.  When I told her this, she didn't look at me but shook her head at me....  well sorry lady but it's the truth, I've never really been around kids, except for 1 niece and she isn't 4.  LOL.....so I left there a little upset but then also sad....I find that the only time I cry, ever, is when is comes to Kyla and the difficulties that we have to go thru with her doctor's/insurance/kids not being so nice.  It is surely difficult parenting a child with differences, especially when that child isn't treated (by doctors/etc.) like she is different, when clearly she is.  I called my Husband on the way home and I just explained to him I don't understand why this prosthetic thing is so difficult when it really shouldn't be!  I think it's a combo of everyone who shouldn't receive benefits receiving them and people abusing the system that really have no right to be abusing.  I just find it shocking that we are even having to "fight" for this.  And like I explained to my Husband, it's difficult because I am always the one who sees this, since my Husband works so much he doesn't see the random kids in the hallway at preschool stop and yell "look, she doesn't have an arm!"  (we had this same thing happen twice in one day while doing drop off/pick ups at preschool last week) and he doesn't see the interactions that I deal with as far as doctors and insurance companies.  Ugh, it is hard..... but I do realize that we are lucky in that we do have it fairly easy, things could be a whole lot worse. 

Anyhow, Kyla has been loving school.  I just went thru my cell phone and deleted probably 50 pictures that she had taken her self, of random things, like the floor, her shoes, the walls, Emma, me, her Dad....  lol, she's into pictures lately.  And she makes you say cheese every time she takes a picture of you.  I'll attach a few she has taken. 

I've been doing more photography lately, I had a senior 2 weekends ago that turned out awesome, she is super pretty and her pictures just turned out really well....then I had a sibling shoot on Saturday that I was nervous for...I've never shot boys, so as far as posing, it was new to me, and there were 3 of them, including 2 teenage boys...yikes....they were not really into the whole taking pictures thing :)  and a younger boy and younger girl.  They turned out good but I wish I could've shot later in the day due to the bright lighting...but we had a schedule conflict.  Then Sunday I was supposed to shoot a child that is also a friend of ours but we had to reschedule due to rain.  It has been fun.  I've had some random people contact me and also a lady asking  me to do a booth at an event thing that is going on - I declined that...I'm definitely not ready for something like that.  But maybe someday. 

Anyhow here is Kyla's photography work for your enjoyment :)

Yes, she makes me turn around and say cheese while driving (I'll do it sometimes...).

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

4 Years

Kyla Rae turned 4 years old September 5th!  Can't believe it has already been 4 years.  I remember her being born like it was yesterday.  Not being able to sleep the night before my c-section, the drive to the hospital with my Hubs where I told him specifically that "I feel like something's not going to be right with her" (thank you God for giving me the motherly intuition to know that we were going to have a special girl before we even got her...amazing), being so nervous before the c-section that I had to have our delivery nurse fill out my paperwork for me.  LOL why in the world do they hand women like 12 pages worth of paperwork to fill out right before they are going to have a baby cut out of them?!?  I also remember the lady who came while we were waiting for the c-section, she came to draw my blood to test if I was anemic and she was deaf!  LOL and we didn't know she was deaf.  hahaha.  So I'm sitting there trying to make small talk with the lady while she is drawing my blood just kinda to relax a bit, because I am not a huge fan of having my blood drawn and she wouldn't respond to me.  Hahahaha so I remember trying to get her to talk a few times before I finally looked over at my Husband, like "what the heck...what is wrong with this lady."  After she left we asked the other nurses what was up with that lady and they told us she was deaf...oh thanks for the FYI.  Another very special thing about Kyla that I have talked about before, but it's been years; she was born 9/5/09 at 9:59 am.  Makes it very easy to remember...  And because I'm weird, I think that's another little sign from God, that yes I gave you this special little girl and made her special on purpose!!! 

We had Kyla's birthday party the previous weekend at a splash & play park here in town and it was a lot of fun.  Between Greg and I's family and friends there is about 30 of us, so it's always a large gathering.  Kyla had school on her birthday and took cupcakes to share with her friends.  She got a scooter and big girl bicycle with training wheels, both of which she has learned to ride well and very quickly.  We went out to dinner at Red Robin the evening of her birthday, which has become a tradition for her.  She told us she wanted them to sing to her which they did and as soon as they started she got shy and snuggled up real close to me.  :) 

Something that I wanted to mention.....I took Kyla and Emma to the park on Monday, which we do go to the park from time to time but not a ton.  The reason being is because it is always SO awkward.  Kids just stop playing and either surround her and stare, or get away from her and stare and don't play.  Kyla doesn't really even notice - she just plays but the kids, myself and their parents certainly notice.  It's kind of ridiculous but usually I drive around some to try to find a park that doesn't have a bunch of kids already at it.  Isn't that dumb?  I know it is but it really sucks having my kid be stared at like she is an alien or something; not only by the kids but also their parents.  Sometimes it just blows my mind how rude people are.

I mean, I grew up going to a school that had a special area for kids that were special needs.  Granted most of these kids had Down Syndrome, mental retardation, Tourettes, etc. more of what you think of when you think of "special needs."  But we did have a girl there who was born with only a portion of all 4 limbs...and she had like maybe 1 or two fingers.  She got around on a motorized wheelchair... and besides her limb differences she was completely normal.  I remember the way she was treated and I don't ever remember people treating her badly or like she was a freak or something......I don't really get that....Monday when we were at the park I just sit back and watch to make sure Kyla isn't being treated badly, because if she is, I start yelling at some kids.  LOL.  Like I will put up with some of it, but there comes a point where kids need to be told to just leave her alone and I have no problem doing that, regardless if their parents hear me or not.  I don't remember if I have written about this before or not >>> if I have, forgive me.  Anyway on Monday there was a Russian or Bosnia, (or they were something) family that showed up to the park and they were nice enough and didn't say anything but the looks weren't great.  The kids really didn't play at all and eventually left the park, but literally I feel like now I know what it was like to be like African American several years ago before people's ideas changed about skin color.  These Russian/Bosnian kids were talking to Emma and saying hi to her and "you're so cute" but none of them said a word to Kyla.  LOL.  I didn't say anything.  So because one of my kids has two hands she is cute, and the other who has 1 hand isn't cute?  Makes sense.  This park that we were at is close to our house and usually has 1 or 2 people there and that's it, so it's kind of our "go-to" park.

I find people's reaction to something so not a big deal really surprising....  I mean nobody chooses the children they will have...we just get what we get....it's not like I had a choice 'oh yes please, make my child with half an arm.'  Doesn't work like that.  Never in a million years did I ever think I would have a "special needs" child.  No one ever thinks that.  It just happens and as a loving parent you have to be willing to embrace that your child is the way they are.  I just don't get why it's such a big deal to some people.  Granted, I would say to most people, it's not a big deal, thank goodness for that.  

I almost forgot we had another appt with Brock at Hanger Prosthetics last week and Kyla's prosthetic is coming along so well.  It is going to be really exciting when we actually get to take it home.  This guy is good at what he does, pretty resourceful and tailoring it specifically to her needs to make it as comfortable and useful for her as possible.  We went to pick out fabrics for it last week and Kyla of course picked out the fabric she liked and I picked the fabric I liked.  Kyla's fabric will probably win.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kyla Goes Back to Preschool

Kyla is now in the 4 year old class at preschool. We went to meet her teachers and get familiar with her classroom yesterday and today was her first day of school. She did awesome, she is fairly outgoing and not shy, which I love. I hope she stays that way. Here are a few quick pics I snapped while holding baby so they weren't the best :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lighten Up

So the past few weeks have been stressful and difficult.  But I'm thinking today that I really need to lighten up on myself, like a lot. 

My family is the majority of my stressors, unfortunately there is no way to avoid your family.  Unless I disappered or something, which I'm not going to do.  My Mom is about to move to Colorado and she is the only person who helps me out with the kids....so I think that's really bothering me even though I don't really let it show.  And when I say she helps with my kids, she does but only on rare occasions.

I was thinking about this the other day, Kyla is 4 in a week or so and in those 4 years, I've only ever been away from my kids for 5 nights and 2 of those I was in the hospital GIVING BIRTH to one of them.  Holy moly!  Can't a girl get a little help around here?  Apparently no.  Now that my Mom is moving I'm going to have to find someone to hire to help me for doctor's appointments and it would be really awesome if I could find someone I trusted to watch the kids so that my Husband and I could actually go out everyonce in a while and have a date!

I also heard from Hanger Prosthetics earlier this week that after being told that Kyla's prosthetic was going to be covered at 100% it is only covered at 80% so our out of pocket is approximately $1600.  I was pissed and really sad at the same time.  It blows my mind that all these people who don't really need benefits get benefits and Kyla who was born with 1/2 an arm doesn't get anything.  Makes sense right...and this $1600 prosthetic will only last a few years till she grows out of it.  Perfect.  But then lastnight I got a phone call from the prosthetist at almost 7 PM and he was saying that he doesn't want me to give up that there are lots of options for her to help pay for it, etc.  He's a pretty cool guy and like 5 minutes from our house, we don't have to travel!!  He seems to really care about my kid which is awesome. 

I spent 4 hours this morning watching a friend's kid in addition to my own 2 so I'm beat. 

I need to stop being so negative and focus on the good....  I'm 30, I've got two beautiful children, I've got a good, hard working Husband, we are coming up on our 7 year wedding anniversary in just a few weeks, I've got 12 years work experience with the Department of Energy, I've got an Associate's Degree and about a year away from a Bachelor's degree (that I don't plan to ever finish :)), we own 3 residences, two of which are rentals, 1 is our residence (which is large enough for our family and pretty nice), we have almost no debt (besides our homes and one credit card), CBC just posted on their website they are considering starting a Bachlor's in Diagnostic Ultrasound in 2015 (I'm there if they do...going to schedule an appt with counselor soon to be sure I'm ready to go the first year they start this program)............ my Husband is employed with 3 different companies, 1 of which is a City and another is a County, another is a friend's business....which are all very good jobs.  My Mom has just recently asked us to be the property manager for her property, which what she is paying us to do this will more than cover Kyla's monthly tuition for her Preschool (relieves some stress)...her Preschool isn't cheap.

Kids cost A LOT of money, be prepared people.  Oh yeah and kids are A LOT of work....  so glad I had my first when I was 26 and am not just now starting!!!

Since my Husband works so much I pretty much function as a single Mom.  I go nuts from time to time with no help, no breaks, running around town, doing errands, planning events, taking kids to doctor's appointments, etc.  but I'm doing it and I just need to focus on the good more and less on the bad and frustrating.

Oh and I've also applied for a business license and decided to actually pursue doing photography more.  I really do like doing it, it's fun.  I've always been artistic and so when I'm not doing it so much like I have been, I miss it.  I changed my business name, built myself a website and have two different people scheduled for this next month, so we will see....I'm ready to get out of this house more and do something.  Check it out if you want, www.portraitsbyamber.com view it on the web, the mobile version is not that pretty.


Friday, August 16, 2013

Few Pics of me With Crazy Kyla

These are my stay at home mom hardly any makeup photos. LOL I hardly ever share photos so I figured I would post a few. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Video & Photos


Recent Trips

We have been back from Seattle Children's visit for a few weeks now.  It went great but was cut short by Miss Emma and her attitude (tiredness).  We did get to spend a few hours at the event and Kyla got to attempt to climb a very tall rock wall.  There were no other kids there that were just like her (left arm below elbow amputation) but there were a lot of kids with prosthetic legs.  It was kinda odd and I was a bit surprised, but it was still good.  There was a police officer (male adult) who came to visit the kids who had an arm amputation and had quite a bit less of his arm than Kyla.  Kyla was pretty surprised by him and was kind of standoffish and rude (I tried to snap that out of her real quickly but she is 3 years old....I think that kinda comes with the age).  Overall the trip was worth it.  We did do a lot of driving, stayed at my Aunt and Uncle's newest built house in Tacoma and drove to Seattle to visit Woodland Park Zoo on Saturday which was a great zoo.  I also had never been to Kerry Park before and really wanted to go.  It was such an amazing view, I wish we could've spent some time there but we had 2 passed out kids in the back.

So I'm sure we will be making the trip to Seattle Children's annual Social an annual thing :)

Life has been so weird lately.  I find myself thinking a lot lately and that's never good.  :P  I bet those of you who have read this blog off and on from the start probably think I'm crazy.  I'm not really, I just analyze my life quite a bit.  So I'm going to try to keep analyzing a little bit more and hopefully figure some things out.  :)  I just think it's funny how everyone has a story and their stories don't always match up... everyone is always at constant stages of their lives and those stages are always changing.  I try to focus on the big picture and not get myself caught up with emotion because in all honesty my emotions don't matter so much, I got two little babies that are my most important.  I think hitting 30 was a bit of an eye opener for me. 

Speaking of those two little babies, this past Thursday I took Kyla to her first appointment at Hanger Prosthetics here in town.  She has asked for a new prosthetic and we are going to get her one.  I will be getting her registered for ballet classes soon and I want her to be able to do all of the arm formations just as everyone else.  I also talked to the guy about getting her a hand so that she can start to learn how to ride a big girl bike or scooter.  Kyla has been wearing her old prosthetic around the house quite a bit.  She likes it, which is a change from what it had been when she was younger.  The guy at Hanger described the prosthetic he will make her and it sounds like it will be so much better and easier and more functional than her infant one.  So that makes me pretty excited.

We spent this past weekend at a friend's cabin in the middle of no where, Hunters, WA.  It was fun to get out of town for a bit.  Kyla was hanging out with our friend's kids walking around shooting grasshoppers with BB guns, it was actually pretty cute, as cute as that can be.

We bought Kyla a trampoline yesterday, her and I have been hanging out on it today and last night.

I'll upload some pics from our Seattle trip and recent happenings.  Take care.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I haven't done an update in a while...once again.  :)  Too many things going on all the time. 

Emma has turned 1!  I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  We had a rainbow themed party for her.  It was very cute.

Kyla has her first Limb Differences Social at the end of this month at Seattle Children's Hospital.  We are preparing to go now and will be there for a few days to make a mini vacation out of the trip.

I am seriously considering making a move to Tacoma for a bit with the girls.  Tacoma Community College has an Ultrasound program that I would really love to apply to.  It will be extremely difficult to manage everything.  I'm not sure I can pull it off...I mean I know I can but it's going to be SO hard.  Taking care of the kids is a lot of work and then going to school full time, trying to study, etc., will be a lot.  So lots of things to consider but I want to do something with my life... I do enjoy being with my girls but I also feel like I need to secure a future for myself and them.  What is something were to happen to Greg, I wouldn't be able to support the girls and myself by myself...as of right now.  So I don't know, my brain is constantly thinking about what is best.  I did think about just making trips home on weekends to be with the fam but I don't think that's acceptable as a Mom.  I couldn't do it, I would probably be miserable and cry everyday missing my babies.  I would have to take them with.

Anyhow, will post following the Limb Differences Social and give an update on how it went.  I'm sorta nervous but also excited for Kyla, she is excited already, so that is definately good. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Swimming Lessons

Well we are finished with swimming lessons, finished up this past Wednesday.  Not to be a Debbie Downer but they did not go as good as expected.  For 1, my kid still doesn't know how to swim and 2, my kid almost drown last Monday.  It was scray.  Kyla is just to the point now where she is comfortable enough in the water to drown. 

So to make a long story shorter, Kyla had been practicing with her swim instructor on going under the water to get toys off the bottom of the pool.   Her instructor then put her back by the stairs and left her on the stairs while she practiced swimming at the opposite end of the pool with my Niece.  I was watching Kyla, had Emma sitting on my lap, and my Mom sat in the chair next to me (she or my Dad take my Niece to lessons). 

I noticed Kyla had gone under water and was attempting to get back up to the top.  I watched her try to kick off the bottom of the pool two times to get to the top before I realized she was in big trouble.  I saw that each time she tried to kick up she would kick herself diagonally backwards and only got to about 2" from the top of the water each time.  Her eyes were open under water the whole time and were super big, like she was panicked, which panicked me.  I stood up and ran to her with Emma, knowing that I couldn't sit Emma down around the pool (she just started walking just over a week ago).  I yelled her name, yelled "somebody grab her!" which only got me looks like I was crazy from all 5 instructors who were in the water with her and the kids they were instructing.  Thank God my Mom had ran over with me and reached down to pull Kyla up out of the water.  By the time we got to her she had tried to get to the top another 2 times.  I am so thankful she held her breathe the whole time and did not fill her lungs up with water.  It could've been really horrible if she had.  If I didn't have Emma on my lap, I'm sure I would've jumped in the pool, fully clothed to pull her up.  It was terrifying watching her struggle.

Anyway Kyla's instructor then swam back to where we were and asked "is she OK" I kind of loudly said "NO she is not OK" (like, you should know if she is OK or isn't OK, it's kind of your job...) and then was so upset about the whole thing began to cry.  LOL.  I couldn't help myself, that look on her face was so scary!  Even that night I couldn't sleep well because I kept playing it back in my head, the look on her face, etc.

Anyway the instructor never came to talk to me after this...and I was not in the right mind to talk to her either really....I did look for her but she was no longer by the pool, I'm not sure where she went.  I just wanted to go home and like calm down.  Which we did.  The next day I called and left a message for the owner of the place and I got a phone call back late that night.  We talked for about 20 minutes and he assumed to know exactly what had happened, what went wrong, who messed up, yadda yadda yadda.  Which I was surprised by.

To sum it up, her instructor had left toys on the bottom of the pool right where Kyla was left to wait.  Well naturally a 3 year old who had just been practicing going under the water to grab toys is going to continue to do just that, if toys are left out right below her feet..  So she did and it did not work out well for her. 

The owner offered Kyla 2nd session private lessons with this gal to kind of regain her confidence, etc.  I thought about it, but don't think we are going to take them up on it.  We went to our last lesson the following Wednesday and to be honest, the people who were supposed to be watching from the deck were not watching the entire time like they are supposed to, even after this insident and supposed safety meetings, etc. that the owner told me about.  These are just kids who are very young and to be honest probably don't take their job serious enough.  Swimming lessons are for kids who do not know how to swim, so you cannot take your eye off of them at any point and you cannot turn your back on them, which is what happened in Kyla's scare.  Her instructor just had no idea what was going on, only myself and my Mom saw and thank God we did!! 

Soooo I was pretty bummed her first activity was not real successful.  Luckily my Husband used to be an instructor and lifeguard and he can probably teach her better than these kids can and I know she will be safe!  We have two neighbors close who both have pools and have offered for us to use them, so we will probably work on it more at home soon. 

It is important for Kyla to know how to swim because we have a boat and I want her to be safe out on the water if at any point something goes wrong or we are just hanging out on the beach somewhere. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

"Mom I Wish I had Two Hands"

It happened, yesterday...I heard the words I always dreaded hearing.  But you know what...it wasn't too bad, at all.... surprisingly.

When Kyla was younger I would cry just thinking about her one day saying those words to me.  But yesterday, it was such an easy conversation. 

I said something like "yeah...well I'm sure lots of other people could say similar things, like "I wish my skin wasn't black and was white, I wish I had blue eyes and not brown, I wish I had straight hair and not curly"  I also reminded her that God chose to make her special, that he didn't chose me or her Daddy to make special and that he chose her specifically.  I also told her that she isn't the only one he chose to make like her, that there are lots of other people in the world with armies and reminded her of all of the pictures we have seen on the Internet and "my phone" of kids and people that are just like her.  Conversation was over in probably 2 or 3 minutes.  Easy. 

Kyla has become really good friends with our new neighbor girl.  She is actually in the same class as Kyla's cousin and Kyla's cousin had previously shared with her class about Kyla...not sure why, but she did, so this girl has never treated her differently or even asked about her arm, pretty cool.  Kyla now pretty much lives outside, playing with her "friend named Nora." 

Side note:  Kyla's Auntie and Uncle are half Caucasian/half African American, so I find myself using skin color difference and reminding her about her Auntie Amanda and Uncle Peter often, it helps because it's people she LOVES that also have a difference, skin difference.

Then to top it off yesterday night I found Kyla poking at her eyeballs real hard and saying that she "likes doing that."  I yelled at her to stop and told her that she was going to make herself go blind and never be able to see again.  She was shocked.  So I explained to her that some people are born not being able to see.  Holy cow!!  No way.  LOL.

Anyway, Kyla starts swimming lessons tomorrow.  She is taking them at the same place both her Dad and I learned to swim, a small business swimming school that has been around forever...as her Dad is 34 years old and I am 30 :)

I signed her up for semi-private lessons which is 2 students to 1 instructor.  She will go for 3 weeks and is taking the class with her cousin who is quite a bit older than her, but she doesn't know how to swim, so I think they will do well together.  I did explain her limb difference to the gal who runs the place and she was super friendly, really nice and said she had, had a student about 6 years ago with a similar limb difference. 

So other than Preschool this is Kyla's first "activity."  I'm pretty excited.  I just about signed her up for YMCA soccer a couple weeks ago but her Dad talked me out of it, thought she was a little too young still, so we are going to wait a bit.  I kind of now wish I did since she's been out of preschool for about 3 weeks and is driving me nuts!!!  Oh the life of a stay-at-home Mom.  Try to post swimming lesson pics/results soon.

Hope all is well.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Current Photo of Kyla

Here is a current photo of Kyla that I just took a few days ago.  It's been so long since I've posted her picture, thought I would put a new one up!!  The girl's got wild curly hair, that almost can't be tamed.  :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2013

Hi all,

It's been so long since I've done an update.  Life has been crazy hectic.  We finally moved into our new home and have been here for about 2 1/2 weeks now.  We spent very long nights working on getting the girls' rooms done up for them and then getting our rental ready to rent out.  We are still in the process of finding another tenant for one side of our duplex, but we should have that all wrapped up shortly.

By long nights, I mean the longest night was working till 4 AM and then up again in the morning for work (Greg) and babies (me).  So exhausting.  I was so lucky my baby monitor worked in both houses, otherwise I'm not sure we could've got it all done. 

I did have a reader email me a few weeks ago saying she enjoyed reading my blog.  So nice to hear, I'm sorry I don't  update it near as much as I used to, or with as much relevant information as I should (re: Kyla and her ABS).  I am struggling just to stay afloat most days, so forgive me.  The lady I received the email from has twin boys, one of whom was affected by ABS.  They are just starting to go through the process of having a prosthetic made for him.  Very cool. 

Kyla has been doing so well, she is making new friends with the neighbors at our new house.  It is nice to see other kids being so welcoming to her.  I took her and Emma on a school field trip for Kyla last Friday and to watch Kyla with her classmates was very reassuring.  I know she won't have any problems in school, she is so friendly and has such a warm heart, she was holding hands with a little girl a lot of the time and they were twirling around and dancing, so cute and nice for me to see. 

Kyla is really wanting to do ballet.  I just checked into an Angelina Ballerina summer camp class for her, but they are only 1 week long and spendy.  I figure I will wait until next Fall and just enroll her in the semester long classes which last 5 months, that way she has much more time to become friends with the other kids that are in her class...I think it would probably take 1 week just for the kids to become open to her and want to interact and get to know her, so I'm not sure the summer camps would be the best choice. 

Anyhow, must get going again, lots to do.  Thanks everyone for continuing to check my blog.  Take care,

Amber (Kyla's Mom :))

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

ABS Peeps

My computer has been down and out as the video card went kaput.  I've been wanting to post, but couldn't until now due to this issue.  The past few weeks have been pretty cool.  Those who are in the ABS community probably already know that The Bachelor has a girl on this season, her name is Sarah Herron, she is beautiful and was born with one hand....definately have to check out the show.  I stopped watching it years ago but because of Sarah, I am DVRing all of the episodes this season.  I was up until midnight last night just trying to watch last night's episode, in between all of the interruptions of the kids, and the Husband, having to pump, etc.  What choas, but I got it done.  So yesterday I could hardly stand not knowing what happens to Sarah, if she gets voted off and when...well I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but apparently she leaves the show herself.  Not sure why but I'm curiout to know.  I totally see Kyla being similar to her when she is older...beautiful, but just born differently, and super nice (Ky is hilarious, but not always the nicest...maybe it's the 3 year old in her :))

Then on Sunday of this past weekend, a local girl made it on the front page of the Tri-City Herald for being born like Kyla and being a sports player, doing great in school, etc.  Check out the article here:  http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2013/01/26/2251976/mattawa-high-school-senior-is.html#storylink=omni_popular#wgt=pop

We have also found a house for our family...it's actually almost right across the street from our duplex.  It's the same type house I grew up in with my Dad and Sister...I certainly didn't love the layout then and not sure I'll love the layout now, but it will be much better for now, Emma will have her own room and it has a giant garage, perfect for Greg, finished basement, perfect for the kid's play/tv area.  And I will have a larger kitchen that is already nicely remodeled to do my cooking/baking in.  We start paperwork this weekend with the owners, who are also close aquaintances to us...since they are our neighbors already :)  Very nice family, but they have owned the home for 4 years and never lived in it.  His job doesn't allow them to live away from his work and his work is over a 2 hour drive away, so they are selling.  Things just kind of seemed to work out perfectly.

Everything else has been good.... I'm sort of down in the dumps sometimes, Greg works all the time, he now has techincally 3 jobs..........not that he really needs to have 3 jobs, but he does, so it's me and the girls the majority of the time, which is fine, I love them so much and wouldn't want it any other way.  I think for now, things are sort of tough, but they won't be forever.  I think once the girls are in full time school, I'll probably head back to school myself.  I've been thinking about doing the ultrasound program, which is just a 2 year deal....go to school for 2 years and then find a job.  Preferrably PT so I can still manage the girl's schedule well and family stuff...but we will see.  That is still a long ways off with the youngest being 7 months old.  I almost enrolled Ky in soccer that started like a week ago...but I didn't.  That is so hard for me.  I am scared to put her in these situations.  I have to figure out a way to get past that.  It isn't good for her for me to be so protective....I will get past it, I just need to buck up and do it.  Maybe this summer...I've been thinking soccer for sure and then possibly ballet or something....forgot to mention I also saw a story somewhere of a girl like Ky being some awesome ballet girl....I believe I saw that on Facebook.  Anything is possible, you just have to do it, and I plan to.  Soon. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

End of 2012/Start of 2013 Update

Thought I would update the blog with some new photos and recent happenings.  We've been busy..... and I've been exhausted.  LOL.  This house deal is draining on me.  Still searching for the perfect place...yet to be found.  We walk thru houses all the time now, even did one today.  I might have found a good one this afternoon though, we will see.  I just want in a new place so bad...it's very stressful living here as far as space issues are concerned.  So much kid stuff, Emma is almost outgrown her bassinet and is about to be forced to move into Kyla's room where she talks and sings herself to sleep each night.  My niece stayed the night with us two nights ago.  She is now 7 years old and even she had to sleep on the couch because Kyla wouldn't stop talking to her.  LOL.  I am scared if we are forced to move Emma in there with her.  Emma needs peace and quiet and a non-stop talking/singing 3 year old sharing a room with her...oh my.  I don't want to experience that.  Kyla is on break from school right now for the Holiday's.  It has been a nice break for me, just to chill at home for a bit. 

I do have to say, the adjustment from always working, to working PT and becoming a Mom to becoming a Mom of 2 and not working....probably biggest adjustment of my life.  It has been a huge change for me.  I'm not sure I'm good at it.  I know I'm a good Mom, or as Greg says, a "great Mom," but sometimes it's hard to see my worth.  I think it may be hard to see now, but looking back years from now it will be easy.  I know the girls need me and I will be here for them, but I honestly don't see myself doing this forever.  Or maybe I will for a while...heck it's only been since August that I've been home FT.  Maybe it will still be some time before I'm adjusted. 

Ky had a Christmas program at school.  I'll try to upload a video of her to this post.  She was so excited Greg came and hardly sang, just keep saying "hi" to Dad and "take a picture of me," hahaha she is so strange. 

Emma is now almost 7 months old (on the 14th) and I can't believe how fast it has gone.  She is becoming much easier, she is more happy now and patient.  She is a beautiful happy girl, but she's also pretty lazy compared to Kyla at her age.  She has yet to roll from her back to her tummy, she has gotten close but it's almost like she is scared to get off balance and stops herself when on her side.  She has gone from her tummy to her back twice and I think those were more accidents than anything else.  It's funny though because she wants to crawl so bad, she flaps her arms and legs, but just scoots a few inches here and there.  She's pretty cute.