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Monday, October 21, 2013

Mama Gots a Gun :)

Sooooo after about a year of telling my Husband that I want a gun, I finally got one!  And I've got my concealed carry permit in process.  We went out yesterday afternoon to shoot it and to teach me how to actually shoot on target.  My Dad was a little upset at first that I got a .22LR and not something bigger, but I've shot my Husband's other guns before and they all have so much recoil that I do not enjoy shooting them and never really learned how to hit on target.  So my Husband figured this was a good gun for me to start with.  I ended up purchasing a Ruger LCR .22LR.  And it's even in my name.  LOL, I didn't let my Husband buy it, I wanted to be able to say "It's my gun :)"  So I did the whole wait a week to pick up and all, which was fine.  We took it out yesterday and my first time picking it up I hit a 9" plate with all 8 rounds, first try.  And I actually learned how to aim at my target and make good hits.  I did this several times and then my Husband made me shoot his Glock .40 which I never have liked....I didn't want to, but I did because he wants me to be able to shoot all of the guns that are kept inside our house, so I aimed just like I did with my .22 and made head or chest hits pretty much everytime, and the kick on the Glock really wasn't so terrible.....I actually kinda like it.  Then we moved onto the shot gun, which also scared me, but I have always known if I had to use it, I could and would.....  I gotta protect my babies, so I made him shoot first a few times and then did it myself...and it really wasn't too bad either and I was also able to make the same head and chest shots like I had done with the other guns. 

Here are a few pics of me shooting yesterday.  You can see how tense I am shooting the Glock .40....LOL I needed to relax just a bit, but that gun makes me nervous a little. 

I decided I wanted a gun and my concealed carry permit because I am alone with the girls a lot and I don't feel safe out in public with them and no way to protect them, there's too many weirdos.  There are also quite a bit of strange people in our neighborhood and I've had a few instances where people have come by our house and I've either called the cops on them, or had neighbors who have had problems with people, etc.  The other day I took the girls to the park down the street and it was just us 3 there, no one else was at the park and some dude walks by and just stares at us, no smile, just a not friendly stare while walking by and like a long long stare...  Ughhh hello, if he decided to do something, I would be there with two young kids and myself, no one else around and we would pretty much be helpless, so this is why I have decided to do this.  Now I just need to find holsters!  That seems to be the tricky part for a girl.  But I'm excited I can finally defend my children by myself if need be. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

This is how I have to steal my kisses

This little turd will very rarely willingly kiss me, so I have to resort to this....holding her down and smothering her with kisses.  I blame it on us putting her in daycare when she was little ;) Miss Emma usually lets me kiss on her as much as I want, which is a lot!!

   i get beatup, but it's worth it ;)

Old Pictures

I found some photos the other day of when Kyla was a flower girl in her aunt and uncles wedding two years ago. She was, and is so beautiful. I like these pics cause she is really showing off her armie in them :) I walked her down the aisle because she was too little to walk by herself.