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Saturday, March 6, 2010

What People Think

When Kyla was first born and people saw her for the first time, I found myself (and others) automatically rushing to explain her arm and describe what Amniotic Band Syndrome is. It was like we were almost trying to beat people to the punch. (Is that how that statement is made? Not sure, but you get my point...) Most people would react surprised or confused, but were never rude. To this day I have only had one person be somewhat rude about Kyla's situation when talking to me, and even then I was probably being more of the defensive Mom than anything.

Now that Kyla is 6 months old and most people know about her, I am starting to get to the point where I just do not care about what others think, and I do not feel like I have to explain her to strangers or anyone really. It does make me nervous when I have to meet with people who do not know her or know of the situation, because I do not want to have to deal with the questions and explaining her to people. Since I no longer feel like I need to explain - I just don't say anything and usually nobody asks - I can see people look, but they don't make a big deal out of it. I'm sure they would like to ask questions, but maybe they can tell that I am not welcoming to them. WHEN I really should be, since my whole thing is wanting to create awareness of ABS. I guess I feel that since most of the people are strangers, then there is no need to explain. She looks a little different - big deal.

I am sure I will get better about this with time, because I am going to have to get used to the questions and explaining her situation to others. Like it or not, she needs a strong Mom and Dad who are comfortable with the situation, even in awkward moments.

Both myself and my Husband (my Husband especially) do not have any problem voicing our opinions, (ha..this is a good way to state it) if we need to. So if someone stares too long or says something rude, I'm sure things will be said to these people. Kyla's Daddy is very protective and when him or I are around, we will ensure she is treated the way she should be. For times when we are not around, we will try the best we can to explain to her that she is different, and people will look and wonder, and this is okay, but to speak up if she feels people are being rude towards her.

I believe all-in-all Kyla will do just fine. It is our job as her parents to help her through all the rough times she is bound to encounter in the future.


  1. Kyla is such a special little baby. Not because of the uniqueness of her arm, but because she has a very unique spirit and the call of God on her life. Kyla will make a difference in this world, and I am so proud to be able to watch her grow into all that God has for her.

  2. I am so proud of Greg and Amber for making the decesion to get a prothestic arm for our Kyla. It is a huge commitment of time, money, energy and emotion. But I know that our God will sustain them through this. It is the best for Kyla, and she has the best parents God could give her.
