Now that the weather is warmer and I am putting Kyla in t-shirts and pants, I have discovered several scars on her upper left leg that I know without a doubt are scars where Amniotic Bands were attached but did not wrap around. When Kyla was born I noticed the largest scar on her leg in the hospital, but no others. I remember thinking it was really weird and I was so drugged up that the thought crossed my mind wondering if the doctor had cut her when I had my c-section, but of course that wasn't the case since it was all healed up. It is hard to see the scars in this photo, but when I press on the largest scar it is deep and very easy to feel. They all look like someone took a sharp razor blade and just pressed down in a straight line. There are also scars higher up on her thigh, but they are very small. I am not sure in total how many there are, but I know these are from bands because they are on the left side, the same side where her arm was amputated by a band and I have not found anything on the right side of her body... I am so grateful that nothing ever happened to her leg. I cannot imagine how hard that would be if she would've lost her leg as well. The idea of ABS is that it doesn't affect just one area of the body, but several.
So originally people had asked me if I was going to talk to my first OB doctor about Kyla's situation and I have always said no and haven't seen the point...but seeing all these scars makes me think, how many bands were inside of the amniotic sac??...There must have been several so why didn't they see that in the ultrasound? I seriously have been thinking about contacting my first OB doctor's office and requesting my first OB ultrasound notes (18 weeks gestation) be sent to me so I can see if it says anything on there about the bands and arm amputation. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they did, and if there were notes on there and I just wasn't told about it. If that is the case, then I might be somewhat tempted to file a complaint against the doctor. Just so he can no longer practice OB and retire like he probably should. I don't know, I know I should not be angry or anything, but seriously if a doctor doesn't review test results like he should then why should he be allowed to practice?
Thank you God for your protection on Kyla. Your purpose for her, her destiny in You, is all that matters.