When I was younger my parents told me what they were originally going to name me but how that changed and the reasons why I was given the name I was. I always thought it was neat to hear the story of how I got my name, Amber Dawn. Turns out that since I was born around 4 AM, the sun was just starting to rise and the color of the sky was Amber and it was Dawn. I want to remember how Kyla's name came about. In the beginning of my pregnancy, I was pretty sure I was going to have a boy, so I had like 15 good boy names - I could have picked any of them and they would've been awesome. But then of course we found out we were having a girl and I had like no girl names - I tried thinking of them, but none would come to mind. After I found out we were having a girl, I was forced to find a name I liked and that we could agree on. It took me a while but one day at work I went to MSN.com and was reading under entertainment to see what drama was going on with the celebrities. So back in 2009 I think Vince Vaughn had just gotten engaged to a lady named Kyla Weber. The story was under the entertainment section so I read it and remembered thinking "oh, that's pretty...I like that." So I wrote it down to talk to my Husband about later. Turns out he liked it too but then there is the task of trying to find the middle name. When I was 14 or so I was watching Jerry Springer after school (I know great show to be watching) and there was a girl on whose name was Rae Leigh. I loved the name and always said that I was going to name my daughter that. Well I offered up the suggestion to my Husband but really, it no longer sounded that great to me either and he wasn't fond of it himself. So I took the Rae and added it to Kyla (because we thought it sounded good) and that is how Kyla Rae came about. I think it's a beautiful name, but everyone calls her Kayla, even members of our own family! I don't get why people call her Kayla, there is no A.... it's KY-la. I attached a photo of Kyla Weber, the lady I took the name from. Kind of fun to see. I like to think that a name sort of guides a person to turn out a certain way. Kyla is sweet and pretty, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll be a sweet and good girl her whole life. :)
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