How Kyla feels about being held still to take pictures. Not good! She has such an attitude sometimes - wonder where she gets it from?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Photos from Today
Today we took Kyla and the dogs out to my old stomping grounds - Benton City! We went close to the Yakima River. I like driving out there every once in a while. I took photos of my Hubby and Kyla and Greg snapped a couple of me as well. Was fun to just play around. Kyla is such an adventurer that it is hard to keep her still long enough to get pictures and when you do try to keep her still she throws a fit! This photo of me I played around with the colors/saturation, but man, I really am not enjoying getting old. I have wrinkles, and coming up soon I'll be 28. Crazy how fast time goes. I'm trying to grow my hair out long so that I can just start doing it curly/wavy and let it be poor hair has seen the blow dryer and flat iron every single day since about the age of 14 or 15. Ugh, really not good for it....and I'm tired of the whole process to get just somewhat OK looking hair. Anyways, I love the detail in the photos and it isn't even hard!!! I mean this is my second time taking the camera out and I've never shot with a DSLR before. I'm anxious to learn how to do neat things with it, it has a ton of capabilities and the manual is about an inch thick. Not sure when a busy Mama to a 1 year old is supposed to find the time to read something like that, but I'll work on it.

How Kyla feels about being held still to take pictures. Not good! She has such an attitude sometimes - wonder where she gets it from?
How Kyla feels about being held still to take pictures. Not good! She has such an attitude sometimes - wonder where she gets it from?
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