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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

1st Run-In With Another Kid

This past weekend we had our first "run-in" with another kid.  I guess not really "run-in," but prejudice type stuff.  This little boy had seen Kyla last summer at a birthday party and she apparently scared him so badly that he left the birthday party and went out to the front of the house and hid in somebody's car.  Greg and I were completely unaware of this.  This past weekend we saw the kid again (he is friends with Kyla's cousin who is 9 years old) and he saw her and went and hid in the car again, because "she scared him."  As soon as I heard what was going on, of course it bothers you, but not too bad.  I just thought the kid was dumb....like get over it kid, it's not that big of a deal, and no matter what, he is going to have to get used to being around others from time to time that aren't like him, such as children as school who have Downs Syndrome, etc.  When Greg heard what was going on, he took Kyla outside to the kid and told him that Kyla wanted him to know that his long shaggy hair scared her.  The kid was confused, but then Greg explained that he couldn't help what his hair looked like, and that no one can determine how they are born and what they will look like, whether it be their long shaggy hair, or them missing part of their arm and hand.  Greg told the boy that Kyla was born that way and she couldn't help it, and nothing is wrong with her.  The little boy didn't say much, but it kind of gets me that parents allow their children to act like that, or do not teach them how to act around others that are different.  This past summer I took Kyla to the swimming pool at a local park and was amazed the way children responded to her.  Some didn't notice and were too busy playing but one little boy stopped in his tracks and stared at her arm for literally minutes.  I didn't say anything to him but just watched him to see what he would do.  She was just a baby then, but to me, I was kind of taken back that whoever that boy's Mom was didn't say something to him.  For one, her child was in a swimming pool, she should've been watching him anyway to make sure he was safe, and another, she should've yelled at him for being rude and staring.  I know if Kyla is ever rude to another kid, she'll definately be getting her butt chewed.  Like you just don't allow your kids to grow up like that....if you are a parent who has any morals.  Unfortunately I think there are a lot of people who don't.  We had our friends over for dinner last night and told them about this and my friend Katie was like "Oh, I'm sure that is really hard..."  We told her that for now, because she still doesn't know, it's not hard, but I'm sure once she gets just a bit older and starts to realize it will be very difficult from time to time.  Kyla literally is one of the sweetest babies...everyone who knows her loves her.  I just hope that her personally can overcome some people's prejudices and they can come to realize that just because someone doesn't look exactly like them doesn't mean they are any different than anyone else. 

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