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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby GIRL!

We had our 18 week ultrasound yesterday.  Found out we are getting another little girl.  Greg was a little upset, or at least he said he had to act like he was upset but he's really not :)  He is the only dude in our house, even both of our dogs are girls.  LOL.  I think God's giving us girls just to soften his heart.  :)  Baby looked really good.  I am 18 weeks, 5 days but baby is measuring a week ahead.  Weighs 8 ounces, has 2 hands/2 feet, she didn't see any Amniotic Bands in there at all, so we are looking good.  I know I haven't written about Kyla lately. She is doing really well.  Can make a mess of a perfectly clean room in a matter of seconds.  She's a busy body.  Loves to be home with Mom, isn't so big on going to daycare.  We are thinking all of that through right now.  If I'll stay home/continue working, what...  So much to think about and I am very picky about care of my kids, when they are babies especially.  We will see.  Anyhow, wanted to share the news.  I figure even though I'm talking about this new baby a lot now...it totally has to do with ABS because if you think about parents who already have children with ABS, I believe a concern to all of us is "will our next baby be alright, or will it have the same thing?" etc.  There is lots of worry involved.  I felt my Husband last night after the lady stepped out of the room to get our ultrasound pictures and he was damp through the 3 shirts he was wearing...I was like "why are you sweating?" he said he was anxious, just wanted to make sure baby looked fine and everything was there like it should be.  It's definately an issue for parents who have children who have ABS and want to have another.  I was told that ABS is kind of like a fluke, if it happens to one kid, it won't happen again.  It doesn't look like it is for us.  So another Vance girl on the way.  Once again, I had boy names, but no girl names.  We are going to have to think of a good girl name.  We already have one in mind, but I am picky about names too, I believe kids will become their name, so it's a very important decision...don't want no brats, don't want no provocative names, just cute nice names, so we get a cute nice kid.  :)

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