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Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Life

Wrote this note to my Husband tonight.  A brief description of our life, I thought it was worth sharing:

All of the following has happened in the past hour: Emma peed pants while standing directly in front of the toilet - while I am hosing her off in the shower following peeing her pants Kyla is downstairs putting the cheese packet in the entire pot of boiling water & macaroni, while I am fixing the mac & cheese Emma grabs vacuum and starts vacuuming the house while naked, Emma spills her juice all over her chair while eating dinner, Macy comes upstairs after I fed her dog food and pukes right by the dinner table. Nothing else has happened in the last hour - other than all of that.

This past week has been eventful to say the least.  I had a phone interview 2 weeks ago and was called back for an actual interview at the start of this week.  It went really well even though I hadn't had a 'formal' interview in so many years.  I was called back in a few days later for skills testing which was just typing and 10-key.  Immediate following my testing the hiring manager took me upstairs, told the HR admin that I 'blew everyone else out of the water' and had me sign hiring paperwork, background check paperwork and then I was off for drug testing.  I was totally kind of caught off guard by how quickly it all happened, but I went a long with it and thought I would just wait and see what the formal offer would be.  The following morning I got the formal offer and with Emma still being 2 (almost 3) and having nanny or childcare expenses what they could offer me just wasn't worth it, so I turned the job down.  The lady was very nice, I explained to her about our childcare situation and she said she understood that she has young children as well and has been in the same boat and told me that if I ever wanted to apply to the company in the future that they would welcome me there.  Which I thought was very nice of her to say - the timing is just not right and childcare makes it so hard to make working worth it.  I am still looking for a job and I've decided I really do need to wait for a PT position for now.  I am also considering just not even doing the job thing and getting my pre-reqs done for the Spokane ultrasound program here locally and then once the girls are both to the age where they are in full time school (2 years from now) applying to the Spokane program.  For now I know they are too young for me to do the school thing, but in a few years it could be a possibility.  Hard on the family but a possibility and a year goes by so quickly that it would be over in no-time.

This is why you listen to people and do your schooling before you have kids.  Not my fault - my Husband's ;)

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