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Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I haven't done an update in a while...once again.  :)  Too many things going on all the time. 

Emma has turned 1!  I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  We had a rainbow themed party for her.  It was very cute.

Kyla has her first Limb Differences Social at the end of this month at Seattle Children's Hospital.  We are preparing to go now and will be there for a few days to make a mini vacation out of the trip.

I am seriously considering making a move to Tacoma for a bit with the girls.  Tacoma Community College has an Ultrasound program that I would really love to apply to.  It will be extremely difficult to manage everything.  I'm not sure I can pull it off...I mean I know I can but it's going to be SO hard.  Taking care of the kids is a lot of work and then going to school full time, trying to study, etc., will be a lot.  So lots of things to consider but I want to do something with my life... I do enjoy being with my girls but I also feel like I need to secure a future for myself and them.  What is something were to happen to Greg, I wouldn't be able to support the girls and myself by myself...as of right now.  So I don't know, my brain is constantly thinking about what is best.  I did think about just making trips home on weekends to be with the fam but I don't think that's acceptable as a Mom.  I couldn't do it, I would probably be miserable and cry everyday missing my babies.  I would have to take them with.

Anyhow, will post following the Limb Differences Social and give an update on how it went.  I'm sorta nervous but also excited for Kyla, she is excited already, so that is definately good.