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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To My Baby

Kyla Rae,

You are 10 months now and such a busy body. You are a handful and are into everything you shouldn't be. I could buy you a million "toys" and you would choose anything and everything that is not meant to be a toy to play with, or get into, or stick into your mouth. You are becoming Miss Independent and throw a fit everytime I change your diaper, change your clothes or feed you myself. You are growing up way too fast. I love you with all of my heart and could have done nothing better in my life than had you as my daughter.

On the days that are such a struggle and it seems nothing is going right for me, coming home to you is what I look forward the most because you are almost always the reason for my first real smile and first real laugh of the day.

Love you my sweet girl.
