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Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I'm in between a fire station preschool trip earlier this morning, dropping Kyla off at school after and needing to leave in about 20 minutes to go back and pick her up.  Field trip was fun, but the boys were more into it than the girls :)

I've since finished all of the trilogy of the Fifty Shades of Grey books and finished another romance novel, Hopeless - which was OK but not comparable to the Fifty.

Kyla and I are going to Shriner's Hospital in Spokane soon and I've begun planning for that trip.  We will stay overnight at the Shriner's lodging at the hospital since her appt is at 7:45 in the morning and I couldn't get an appointment any later in the day for her.  This is to get her setup with Shriner's so that in the future when she has prosthetics made and our out of pocket is 1100 like this last one, Shriner's will cover that for us, which is so nice - that is what they are there for.  So this is for her to get setup with the hospital.  Thankfully my Mother in Law is staying with Emma so I don't have to manage both girls out of town and dr. appointments all by myself - so thankful, just less headache for the trip.

I've also got Kyla registered to start ballet here in the next week or so, I don't even remember the exact day it starts, but it's soon and she is excited but I'm praying it will all go well and the girls will be accepting to her.  I already discussed her situation with the Director and asked him to inform the instructor so that they are aware she will be using her prosthetic for classes, etc.  I will be a nervous wreck for Ky on this day - I just don't ever know what to expect so hopefully she loves it and the girls are friendly.

We did family night at the Rollarena here this past weekend - I was so bored sitting at home and Greg had worked Saturday, done some things with his Dad Sunday and the girls have been sick for like the past 2 weeks - Emma had double ear infection and Kyla and I have just slowed worked thru our sickness, so I am just tired of being at home, so Kyla and I went skating together and Dad and Emma watched for the most part.  It was fun and Kyla loves going there.  She is finally to the point where she started skating all by herself without holding onto my hand.  Luckily for her her cousin's having her bday party there again this weekend so she will get to practice some more.  Her goal is to learn how to roller skate all by herself so that she can have her birthday party there this September. 

Real quick - if you're a stay at home mom, this article is a must read:  it sums up my exact feelings on a daily basis so perfectly.  I struggle often with this job - more so than I imagined I would - it is so hard, I just keep telling myself it will get better which it has, but it is so funny literally a month ago I was telling my Husband I want to adopt soon - kids - but now I wonder what I was thinking, maybe I was just doing some crazy talk.  Honestly I would love more babies, but I know in order to keep my sanity I can't do it - I think if I had more help from family I could probably do it and be happy but since I don't then I can't.....  It is.  that is kind of a side note to issues that are going on, but I think not having people I can trust with my babies makes it difficult - it is me or nobody, so adoption is probably not a smart idea....although I have always wanted to adopt since I was young - as far as me having more kids myself I just feel like my body is done - I've had 2 c-sections, I'm over 30 - which is when increase risks for things like down syndrome, etc. like double, so as much as it does make me sad since I love my babies so much I think baby days are over :(  My Sis is pregnant and due in just a few months so hopefully can get baby fix that way.  Anyway READ THIS ARTICLE... it's perfect - you love your job but you also yearn for more - read it -


Off to preschool....again :)

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