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Thursday, March 1, 2012


I turned in Miss Kyla Rae's preschool registration paperwork today.  I might have been the only parents to turn it in on the first day open to the public.  Excited a little?  Probably.  I've got her registered at my old church's preschool (church I grew up in and was baptised in) which is 3 days/week, 2 hrs. 45 mins/day, which I liked.  There was the awkwardness of the Director looking over Kyla's paperwork and stopping at the medical section.  :)  I had prepared myself for this, so once I saw her stop at that section and start to read, I just butted in and explained to her that she was born with a limb deficiency, etc.  The Director was very nice, said that she had two kids previously who were missing some fingers.  I told her that it is the same condition, Kyla's is just more severe.  I did not have Kyla with me but told her that if she wanted to meet her that we would be more than willing to do that.  The Director said that before school starts, which is in late August, we would probably meet with Kyla's teacher so she could kind of get introduced before the first day of school.  Very neat.  I kind of figured this would be the norm for her once she started school, meeting her teachers before hand thing.  Which is fine with me.  Once they meet her, they will see that she can do anything and almost everything and do it just as well as other kids her age.  It is awkward for parents, it's like "how do I bring it up but without making a big deal out of it, because it really isn't a big deal?"  You manage. 

Kyla's verbal skills have increased lately, she is saying full sentences now and things that just crack me and Greg up.  Last night at the dinner table she said two different sentences where Greg and I just looked at eachother and were like laughing like crazy.  Just random things, but they are full complete sentences that make sense.  She is becoming Miss. Bossypants and yells at us often, this morning it was for waking her up - she said "Dad, NO, I'm sleeping" when he tried to get her up to get ready for daycare.  I don't even know. 

Monday morning I had just gotten her up for the day and had her sitting on the toliet and she held out her hand and arm to me and said "Hand, Armie" and then "Mom has hands" and "Dad has hands."  I just said "yup, that's right, that's cause you're special."  I did really well, little teary eyed, but not much.  :)  She is a sweetie, she gets it, but she can't elborate too much yet, or ask questions.  It'll come soon. 

Anyhow, I'm 22 weeks pregnant this week and feeling it.  My belly has definately popped...still no stretch marks.  Let's pray they still never come.  BUT, my belly feels FULL and uncomfortable sometimes, especially after eating a big meal.  We have a few names in mind now, all 4 letter names, to match Kyla (not sure why).  Now that I only have 4 more months until the birth, I'm starting to think more about the birth and it makes me a little nervous.  My doctor has not given me the option to have the baby normally, I am not sure if it's because I am so small or if because I have already had one with Kyla, but he has me tentatively scheduled to have it on June 25th.  With Kyla I was like cool as a cucumber when I went into the operating room and then all hell broke loose as soon as they pulled her out.  The hubs almost passed out and I automatically got shot up with sedative to calm me down.  I really was OK, but I think my heart rate was going up and since I was anemic and they didn't know it until right before and having my stomach all cut open, they didn't want my bleeding to increase. 

I dunno, it's just you really have NO IDEA what your baby is going to turn out like until that very moment.  You could do a million ultrasounds, but still never know until that moment.

Everyone check out April Lockhart, she is a teenager who was born just like Kyla, she sings and is very good, she has a YouTube channel and a FB page.  Also check out Living One-Handed's Page on FB and NubAbility Athletics on FB.  They are people my Husband found just recently.  April is definately worth checking out if you don't check the others.  Only thing that bothers me is her photos, she like crops out the end of her arm in most of them.  That bugs me.  Just like I was telling myself on the way to drop off Kyla's paperwork to the school today, God made my baby the way she is for a reason, he gave her to me for a reason, do not be ashamed of her condition, or embarassed or afaird of what others will think, be strong and proud of your little girl.  I hope I can raise my girl to truly 100% believe she is amazing and not want to ever hide what she was given. 

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