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Monday, April 4, 2011

I swear there is not enough time in the day!  We have been super busy and I don't think it's going to slow down anytime soon.  My baby is now onto just one nap/day and so she sleeps from about 12:30 - 3:30 or so, about 3 hours.  I'm having a hard time adjusting to this new schedule, because I feel like this is my usual time to go out and get things done, like bank runs, errands, trips to the grocery store, etc.  So I'm going to have to start doing my trips early in the morning after breakfast.  The bad days are the days when I won't get my butt out of bed, like this morning to shower before my Husband leaves for work, so then I have to wait to shower until Kyla goes down for a nap (not cool).  The kid is sick again and therefore I am also sick again.  I think her and I have been fighting the same cold for the past 5 weeks or so.  Note to those without kids - if your kids are in daycare, it's a good chance they will always be sick and you will always be sick as well.  Just something you have to get used to.  The only positive of that is the doctor says that once she starts school she won't get sick at all because she will have built up all the antibodies for everything that she might be exposed to.  What happened to my antibodies?  I guess I have none. 

I've been bugging Greg about doing a project for me for about 3 months now and we finally did it this weekend.  Our basement stairs/hallway was literally scary (it was about 3 different colors - blue, yellow, and off white) and after ripping out the bright orange shag carpet on the stairs, it was nasty bare stairs that looked dirty and could not be walked on without shoes.  So we painted the hallway and stairs/rail all white and carpeted the steps with a dark gray indoor/outdoor carpet.  Greg still has to put some metal things on the end of each step and then it'll be done.  Looks so much better.  Note to those who also might not have kids....getting "projects" done requires staying up late at night, doing it during naps, or switching off parents (one works while the other watches the kid).  LOL.  The next project is to fence our backyard.  When we lived in our old house, we lived in a development that required vinyl fencing.  This was miserable because a fence for our large yard would've been ~ $10,000....and I'm not spending 10 grand on a stupid fence, so we had none.  We sort of have a fence now (a cyclone one, I think...) but it's not fully enclosed so whenever Kyla is outside she gets chased around most of the time to make sure she doesn't get into the street, wander into the neighbors yards, etc.  Since I want to be in my bathing suit with Kyla this summer and not have to chase after her into the front yard constantly in my bathing suit for all the neighbors to see, a fence is a requirement.  I called this morning and can't believe how cheap cedar fencing is....  I'm pretty sure we will buy everything this weekend and get started sometime soon.  Hmmm, only other thing to note is my kid has been driving me up a wall lately with her picky eating habits.  Literally this morning I felt like crying out of frustration.  She is rejecting everything and won't eat anything.  I guess some Mom's are like "oh my kid did the same thing and they just didn't eat..." well I can't do that, like even our babysitter is always telling my Hubs, "tell Amber to not freak out....." I just have to make sure she is getting what she needs...no matter how frustrating it is or hard it is to do.  The poor sitter tried to make Kyla like 5 different new things last week and she wouldn't touch any of them.  So I've been dealing with that too and Greg doesn't have enough patience to feed her, so I'm stuck doing it all the time....   Anyways, just thought I'd give an update.  Going to try to catch a nap now before the kid wakes up.  I have no new photos...weather has been not that great lately so we haven't been outside much.


  1. I found some bowls with a suction cup on the bottom. That has helped Quinton since he also will not let me feed him. I put applesauce, yogurt, and those meat sticks for toddlers in them along with anything else I think he might eat. He seems to like that alot.

  2. Really? I didn't know they made those. I will look for them at the store and try them. She wants to feed herself so bad, but has a hard time with all of the coordination it requires. Thanks!

  3. No prob. I think I got them at Walmart or Meijer.
