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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Video of Ky

Kyla loves to talk on the phone, she has pretty much ruined both my phone and Greg's, because we let her play with it, slobber on it and chew on it....  but when I do actually take my phone away from her, she sometimes uses the video baby monitor as her fill in phone.  She was of course talking on it like crazy before I got the camera out but she gets camera shy or just really curious and always stops what she was doing before the camera comes out.  I got her to do a little bit of her talking in this video (unfortunately the video is sideways...sorry).

Note:  We leave her arm down on her jacket so that her little arm stays warm.  It has poor circulation, especially when it is cold out, so if we leave it down it stays nice and warm, plus jackets are too bulky to roll like we do her shirt sleeves.  Looks a little funny, but I don't think anyone really notices when we are out.  I thought about learning how to sew good and at first I did cut some of her sleeves on her clothes, but then I was like thinking why am I doing this if I have another girl someday, all my clothes will be useless...  and even if I don't have another girl, someone else can use her clothes.  Most of the time it looks fine rolled and other times like for her Santa pic, I wanted that pretty red border at the bottom of her little arm too, so I just used a pin to tighten up the opening at the bottom so that it would stay tight around her little arm at the end and not fall off....  sometimes you have to be a little creative, or just choose the right tops for her.

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